Transformation of the farms

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What options are there beyond animal husbandry to create economic and ecological prospects for farms? What do farmers need to convert their farms? Faba Konzepte analyses the challenges of farm transformation, organises events and networks stakeholders.

Slaughterhouse gone - and now?
Opportunities for farms in the Bamberg region

The slaughterhouse in Bamberg, where Tönnies and Vion in particular had their animals slaughtered, is being closed. For many livestock farms in the region, this means change – often associated with uncertainty and concerns about the existence of their own business.

Online event on 5 August 2024:

Together with TransFARMation Germany, Faba Konzepte is organising an online event for farmers from the Bamberg region on 5 August 2024, which will focus on alternatives for livestock farms. TransFARMation Deutschland supports farms in switching from livestock farming to alternative sources of income. The team includes farmers who have already converted their operations.

The events are aimed at livestock farms and other interested parties who are asking themselves: What options are there beyond livestock farming to create economic and ecological prospects in agriculture?

When? 5 August 2024, 6.30 pm.
Participants will receive the link to the event by email.


The events are held in German. Click here to register:


Presence events in June 2024

In June 2024, Faba Konzepte and TransFARMation Germany organised two face-to-face events in the Bamberg region. Farmers and other interested parties were informed about possible options for action and alternatives to animal farming.

About the organisations:

TransFARMation Germany supports farms that currently practise animal husbandry and are switching to alternative forms of farming. The non-profit organisation supports the farms with individual advice, concept development, networking and public relations work and serves as a point of contact throughout the entire process.

Faba Konzepte is a non-profit organisation that is committed to a fair transformation of the food system. With events, concept papers and public relations work, Faba Konzepte gets involved in the social debate, networks science, practice, politics and civil society and supports specific transition projects.

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